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All or None Symptoms in Business

Writer's picture: Andy CampbellAndy Campbell

If you are having manic/depressive emotional states in business it is simply a task management issue.

This is why knowing and understanding your values and what inspires you is so crucial.

Having the drive to do every task in your business day after day is a complete fantasy, unless & until you structure your life in a way where you are focusing on the things that inspire you and only the things that inspire you. 🌟

In all probability, there will be parts of your business that inspire you and parts that don’t.

Because business is a general term, it covers various specific tasks, when you do the parts of it that you love, you operate at 100% of your capacity, but then when you do the things that you don’t enjoy doing you are operating at maybe 10-20% of your capacity and you diminish your drive and handbrake your momentum.

That’s a very inefficient way to do things and is full of procrastination & frustration.


Think of it like going to school. Certain subjects really inspired you, and you paid full attention and retained the information; in those classes, you got As.

There were other classes that were so-so and then there were still other classes where you would have no interest at all and you would completely zone out and people would label you as having ADHD in that particular classroom setting. (you don’t have ADHD you just are not inspired by that subject)

So the key is to identify the parts of your business that you love, the parts where you operate from 100% of your capacity and focus on those.

If you do that you will build massive momentum and your business will become magnetic because you are only doing things that inspire you and you are not doing the things that handbrake and drain you.

The other parts of the business that drain you, either delegate them to someone that is good at those things or link them to your values so you awaken inspiration to do those things.

Some people love sales, some marketing, some admin, some product creation etc, but it’s not likely you will love doing all of them.

If you focus on #1 priorities these are the things that are meaningful to you (the mean is the midpoint). In this state you are inspired, poised and centred, you are on purpose and you have certainty in what you are doing.

If you are doing low-priority stuff, you are off-purpose, that is where you have emotional swings, volatility & uncertainty. You have the ups and downs, the infatuations and the resentments, the highs and the lows.

How you ‘feel’ is simply feedback to let you know if you are on purpose (feel centred) or distracted by emotions (feel ‘up’ or ‘down’).

If you are feeling “bad” or you have an instinct to avoid something then you have associated more pain than pleasure with that thing and you will fear it.

Fear is simply a lopsided perception of something.

If that is the case you would need to identify what it is you are fearing and find the benefit to you if it that event were to happen. (remember everything has equally + and - to it).

Once you find the upside/benefit of the thing you are avoiding the fear will dissolve and you can keep moving forward.

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